Friday 28 August 2015

A new generation

Revolution- "The forcible overthrow of a social order, in favour of a new system."

Concepts such as revolution can seem far fetched at times and a big task. I believe it doesn't have to be. If you're like me and are unsatisfied with the current status quo and would like to see a change, I may have a solution.

In my earlier days I would learn something extraordinary and would try to teach everyone I knew. Now as I have matured I have realised you can not change anyone. Everyone is on their own journey and truth is subjective. We all have different filters of perception and see and experience different worlds due to our conditioning, upbringing and environment. Perception is projection.

Personally the solution has been to instead embody the change I wish to see and thus inspire others through leading by example. Imagine if everyone just focused on improving themselves and accepted everyone for who they really were. We would revolutionise the world, inside out.

As each of us raise our consciousness, we are also shifting the earths vibrational frequency. The change is already in motion. During these times of evolution, the elites who control our society know this and the distractions will grow even more intense. Resist them. Focus on growing and developing yourself and let's support each other along this journey to mental emancipation. Team work makes the dream work! The shackles are invisible and awareness is the antidote to remove them.

Observe your thoughts, protect your energy and stay in control of your mind.

Bob Marley said it best- Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind. 


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